1320 recipes
It's challenging, but not impossible, to surprise someone with th...
Couscous sounds mesmerizing, and cauliflower complements this dis...
Make a perfect and juicy steak at home. It is very easy to cook!
Sometimes the beef meat is dry, so make the tomato sauce to avoid...
The kids' favorite delicacy is waffles - tubes with condensed mil...
This egg and tuna salad is very nutritious and contains a lot of ...
Healthy breakfast for every day! You will need muesli, milk and f...
A very juicy cod stewed in a tomato sauce. This dish is cooked ve...
Are you tired of the usual soups for lunch? Add an Italian touch ...
Every bite of this dessert bagel is a burst of berry goodness, th...
Indulge in a sweet escape with this chocolate brioche recipe! Per...
If you are going to make soup, stew, pasta or risotto, you may ne...
Usually, bagels are baked from yeast dough or sourdough. But, you...
Looking for what to eat for breakfast? We offer you a delicious ...
If you are bored of the usual dishes, cook a Georgian soup. It is...
There’s a simple, delicious and nutritious breakfast for any day!...
How to impress your guests or just yourself? By preparing this wo...
Introducing a tantalizing delight that's both quick and easy to m...
These Spicy Mango Enchiladas with Chipotle Cream Sauce provide an...
Originally, lasagna was known as a distinct form of pasta as it i...
A vegetable version of an Italian dish! Don't miss out on the del...
The Enchilada, often considered akin to shawarma or Greek gyros, ...
Extremely delicious, aromatic, and suitable for both grown-ups an...
Learn how to cook a delicious Italian dish in a slow cooker! Lasa...
Indulge in the ultimate treat with our delectable Blueberry Brioc...
Delectable, appetizing, tasty - Authentic preserve! Even an inexp...
Transport your taste buds to a French patisserie with this brioch...
Bologna's signature dish, lasagna, is now well-known and adored a...
The essential idea of Italian cuisine, meat and tomato lasagna, r...
The traditional Bolognese lasagna with smooth sauce is a much-lov...
Are you planning to prepare something unique for tonight? Then tr...
The roasted duck with stuffed apples is the perfect dish for a fa...
Step by step recipes
1320 recipes
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