40 recipes cooking gourmet homemade meals for every day
This easy Mexican stew is made in one pot (frying pan or saute pa...
Warm tortillas, spicy minced meat baked with cheese and sweet mel...
Pilaf is a national Turkish meal made of rice and orzo pasta. The...
Don’t have ideas what to cook for a family dinner? Make roast wit...
Are you a fan of cheeseburgers and do not know how to make a trul...
This variation of the burrito differs from the classic burrito in...
When it comes to cooking delicious food, Mexican cuisine knows ex...
Not many prefer spicy meals, but this spicy cheeseburger is worth...
Orzo rice pilaf is a delicious Turkish dish. It is made of rice a...
This recipe will make you feel like a real Mexican. You can cook ...
This main dish is cooked of potatoes, carrot and chicken meat. Yo...
Learn how to cook a delicious Italian dish in a slow cooker! Lasa...
The essential idea of Italian cuisine, meat and tomato lasagna, r...
The cutlet is a dish made from ground meat, onion and milk. Some ...
Mushroom rice pilaf is the best dish for vegetarians. It is a hea...
To make juicy and tender turkey cutlets, add cream. The ground me...
Learn how to cook a delicious Italian dish in a slow cooker! Lasa...
Delectable, appetizing, tasty - Authentic preserve! Even an inexp...
The essential idea of Italian cuisine, meat and tomato lasagna, r...
Not many prefer spicy meals, but this spicy cheeseburger is worth...
Are you a fan of cheeseburgers and do not know how to make a trul...
A variety of ingredients is what makes this hamburger a unique an...
If you're a fan of fried wedges and looking for a new way to enjo...
Learn how to make the indulgent Christmas meatballs with this rec...
Dumplings are a hearty and independent dish that can be served fo...
When it comes to cooking delicious food, Mexican cuisine knows ex...
Warm tortillas, spicy minced meat baked with cheese and sweet mel...
This variation of the burrito differs from the classic burrito in...
This recipe will make you feel like a real Mexican. You can cook ...
This turkey cutlet recipe gives you many proteins. This meat is c...
To make juicy and tender turkey cutlets, add cream. The ground me...
Are you bored of daily routine and the same meals? Cook something...
Step by step recipes
1320 recipes
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