40 recipes cooking gourmet homemade meals for every day
Burrito with chicken and corn is a Mexican dish that will cheer y...
A delicious recipe with a combined taste of vegetables and chicke...
Mini-tortillas will feed your family and cheer them up for the da...
A phenomenal chicken quiche recipe. It is perfect for those times...
Fried chicken with teriyaki sauce and veggies is cooked very easy...
Don’t want to be a slave over a hot stove? Prepare all ingredient...
Meat and vegetables, two products that complement each other perf...
This unique twist on the classic meatloaf combines juicy chicken ...
A different recipe from the usual ones. It is a healthy, but very...
Chicken may sound boring, but not when you dress them up with red...
Fried chicken with teriyaki sauce is a popular dish world-wide. T...
Homemade teriyaki chicken sits atop a bed of steamed, seasoned ri...
If you are a fan of spicy food, cook this Asian dish. It is very ...
A light and delicious recipe that combines ingredients such as co...
Cook a traditional Mexican dish. An enchilada is a thin flatbread...
This main dish is cooked of potatoes, carrot and chicken meat. Yo...
Enchilada is a traditional Mexican dish. An enchilada is a thin c...
Cook a traditional Mexican dish. An enchilada is a thin flatbread...
This unique twist on the classic meatloaf combines juicy chicken ...
A light and delicious recipe that combines ingredients such as co...
Indulge in a cheesy, meaty treat! This flavorful meatloaf with mu...
A different recipe from the usual ones. It is a healthy, but very...
A phenomenal chicken quiche recipe. It is perfect for those times...
The nutritional properties of chicken liver in combination with m...
A delicious recipe with a combined taste of vegetables and chicke...
Baked chicken stuffed with oranges and rice, marinated with champ...
Chicken may sound boring, but not when you dress them up with red...
Enjoy this filling and colorful salad for lunch or dinner. It’s h...
Burrito with chicken and corn is a Mexican dish that will cheer y...
Mini-tortillas will feed your family and cheer them up for the da...
Step by step recipes
1320 recipes
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