108 kcal
4 g
8 g
5 g
First of all, wash the mushrooms and carefully separate the caps from the stalks. Then, slice the onion, bell pepper, and mushroom stalks into small cubes. Fry the onion, add the bell pepper, then the mushroom stalks and fry for 3-5 minutes.
Pour the soy sauce into the pan with the vegetables. Stew for 2 minutes. If necessary, salt and pepper to taste. Cool and stuff the mushroom caps.
Grease a suitable baking dish or tray for baking with oil. Put the prepared mushrooms in it. Bake in the oven at 400 °F for 20 minutes. Finished mushrooms should be now put on a serving dish. On top finely sprinkle with chopped dill. The dish is delicious both hot and cold.
It is better to take large champignons. First, it is easier to stuff. Second, there will be more stuffing. Third, the mushrooms will be juicier. But pay attention because some sorts of large mushrooms have a horrible taste, so ask the shop assistant to help you when buying them.
Bon Appetit!
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