324 kcal
12 g
23 g
45 g
Prepare the pancake batter: in a deep mixing bowl, add milk, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, and sugar and gradually whisk the flour, constantly stirring to prevent the formation of lumps. The dough should be dense, similar in texture to sour cream, or a little thinner.
Pour some dough into a preheated and greased pan. Pour half a ladle or 3/4. The dough should be evenly distributed over the bottom of the pan. Fry the pancakes on both sides for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. To turn it over, pry the pancake gently with a wooden spatula and turn it over. The golden color of the pancake on both sides indicates its readiness.
Grate the cheese, cut the ham into strips, or, if more convenient, into slices.
Place 1 or 2 slices of ham on each pancake and sprinkle with grated cheese. Wrap them in rolls and fry a little with 1 slice of butter to melt the cheese inside. The pancakes are ready!
To turn the pancake on the other side, pry it with a skewer from the side and go clockwise, so the pancake will come off the pan. Then firmly grasp the handle of the pan, lift it up slightly and shake it so that the pancake begins to slide, toss the pancake so that it turns over in the air and the unfinished side back falls on the bottom of the pan.
Bon Appetit!
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